Ursus 43500006 Diamond Painting Smileys for Decorating Stickers with Sparkling Diamonds, 2 Sheets 15 x 10 cm, with Different Designs, Diamond Stones, Pickers, Wax and Bowl, Colourful

Ursus 43500006 Diamond Painting Smileys for Decorating Stickers with Sparkling Diamonds, 2 Sheets 15 x 10 cm, with Different Designs, Diamond Stones, Pickers, Wax and Bowl, Colourful


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DIY stickers with sparkling diamonds Small diamond stones are glued to the motifs using wax and picks. Set contains 2 sticker sheets of 15 x 10 cm, assorted diamond stones, 2 picks, bowl and wax Instr... Read more


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