Kenwood Titanium Chef Patissier XL Stand Mixer for Baking- Powerful Food Mixer, With K-Beater, Dough Hook, Whisk, and 2 Bowls 5L and 7L, KWL90.004SI, 1400W, Silver & KAX950ME Food Mincer Attachment

Kenwood Titanium Chef Patissier XL Stand Mixer for Baking- Powerful Food Mixer, With K-Beater, Dough Hook, Whisk, and 2 Bowls 5L and 7L, KWL90.004SI, 1400W, Silver & KAX950ME Food Mincer Attachment


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Product 1: Exclusive 7L EasyWarm Bowl - prove dough and melt ingredients saving a third of the time Product 1: 6 x SimpleTouch Presets - prove dough, melt chocolate or mix a cake at the touch of a but... Read more

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